With my return to work rapidly approaching, and my sweet baby girl not accepting a bottle I decided we needed to try something different. So today and headed out to the store and came home with and Adiri bottle in hopes that she would like it. I decided to choose the bottle intended for 3-6 months old because it offered the medium flow nipple and I don't want her to get used to the fast flow of the next bottle.
I cleaned and sterilized the bottle and headed up to the Master Suite, with my trusty breast pump and pumped some milk for the weeist one. I was shocked as I managed to get 6 ozs, typically I would get about 3-4 ounces and I was lucky if she would take it all from the bottle.
I filled the bottle and sent the husband upstairs with bottle and baby for him to try putting her to bed with the bottle.
It was a success, a HUGE success. She drank all 6 ozs!!
I managed to snap this photo of the two of them and it totally makes me melt!
Majorly melt-a-riffic, that's for sure!